We are working to humanity……
We help people in extreme poverty & vulnerability advances their economic & social well-being.
Winning the fundaments Rights, Human Rights and Democracy and established of the co-existence reconciliation and peace among societies
We drive large-scale change by partnering with governments, global institutions, and local organizations. Since 1991, ASAD Foundation SriLanka has helped past war affected, Tsunami affected, disaster and poor affected peoples Social, Cultural, and economical development. Such as Housing, Toilets, community development centers, Drinking wells, Agricultural wells, small pond as a farmer development, and Fishery community Centers, fishing help the boat, nets, fishing gears, etc for their incoming.
After necessary trainings and empowering programs, we issued certificates for female and male youth who later joint the govt. services and private sectors and most of them have gone abroad for employment. During the last 4 years in this initiatives over 2960 female and male youths and families have got benefited. Women gain the skills and confidence to achieve greater economic self-sufficiency.
When women succeed, so can their children and families.
Since, five people on average benefit for each group we reach, we've helped over 1020 people total. In the next years, we’re trying to helping the next unemployment youths and families headed women out of extreme poverty.
And this period, Continuous ethnic, religious and social contradictions continue. We work with our partner organizations to achieve human rights, democracy, freedom and compromise of the victims.
people in the community on the
benefits of the project
S. Rasheeda (Beneficiary)
Pattiyadi, Mudalappali Pond
Selvanagar NECDEP Women's Society Leader.
I am Rasheeda. I’m President of NECDEP Women's Society. Actually I’m please to give an opinion about your service. I also struggle to give a good solution for our peoples water needs. I couldn’t. When your first visit to this pond I also had been hear. I think you can remember. You got some data’s form me. On that day I wonder what’s going to happen. Thought they’ll get the data’s as everyone does, nothing going to happen. But it’s wrong you have proved it by rehabilitate this pond. Those days we trust this pond for our bathing needs. Puddle is the suitable word to say than pond. The water is coming to this puddle from puliyam kulam through a canal. We used that water for our needs. But in drought season they would not open the water in puliyan kulam. So water boils down and it would just a land here. In that seasons the complex we face, we only knows. But today when see this ever not boiling down pond all our past complexes disappearing. Heart filled with a relief.
And surrounded lands of the pond had cultivated now. Farmers and fisheries are encaging their careers well with your help. And the fishery center is a treasure to us. Because the fisheries who returning in night hours need not to bother about a place to stay.
I’m thanking with satisfaction to ASAD to fulfill our need and the Japan Embassy for helped ASAD
M. Numair (Beneficiary)
Fisheries Community Development Center
Muhammadiya Fishery Society Leader
I’m Numair. I’m the president of
Muhammadiya Fishery Socaity society.
We had been in a vast need of a f
ishery center. It full filled today. We request for
every NGO’s coming to our area and government for it. “We” mean combined our 4 fisheries societies. In that way we appeal to ASAD same request. They listen to our words and inspect the place, decided to accept our request. Now it had made a fishery center and hand over us.
I couldn’t mention the benefit of this center in one or two words, the fisheries that returning in night from the sea is staying here and in morning after the sale only they return home. On those days they have to go Thoppoor for the sale. But now buyers are coming to our center to purchase. And we can keep our fishery equipment without fear safely here.
5 poor fisheries in us got a boat with all fishery equipments needed. Now they are doing their own occupation with confidence. And you are having planned to do like this help more in future as well. When seeing this we feel a confidence in us. We are carrying our job in confidents that there is ASAD behind with us.
I like to present my heartiest thanks to ASAD who help, guide and encourage and always being with us. And the I like to say my special thanks to Japan Embassy and Japan people for even Japan face a tsunami it didn’t stop the service which start.